Kentucky Employees Retirement System  

510. Definitions for KRS 61.510 to 61.705.
515. Retirement system established -- Fund created.
520. Participation determined by board and fixed by executive order -- Authority for order.
521. Repealed, 1996. [Repealed]
525. Membership.
526. Members to file statement of facts at retirement office -- Procedures for verification.
527. Extension of system to include police court judges and their present and future survivors covered as of December 31, 1977, under retirement plans established by cities of second or third class -- Procedure for transfer of coverage to state system.
530. Nonelection of membership -- Penalty.
535. Cessation of membership -- Conditions -- Forfeiture of retirement benefits.
540. Statement of member and employer -- Summary plan description.
541. Creditable compensation of fee officers.
542. Designation of principal and contingent beneficiaries -- Rights -- Effects of change in certain conditions.
543. Deduction or pick-up of employee contributions -- Service credit -- Educational leave.
545. Service credit determination -- Purchase of service credit for fractional year's service for members who began participating before January 1, 2014 -- Choice of system -- Division of service credit.
546. Sick leave for employees who began participating before January 1, 2014.
547. Transfer of annual and sick leave balances by employees.
550. Cessation of membership -- Loss of benefits.
552. Service credit regained or obtained -- Purchase of current service and service credit -- Interest paid -- Delayed contribution -- Installment payments.
5525. Method for determining purchase of service credit -- Exceptions.
553. Service credit -- Police.
554. Repealed, 2000. [Repealed]
555. Service credit, creditable compensation, and other credits for military service.
557. Service credit -- United States employment service.
558. Repealed, 2004. [Repealed]
559. Service required for retirement allowance of members who began participating before January 1, 2014.
560. Employee's contribution -- Rate -- Picked-up employee contributions.
565. Employer's contributions -- Reset of amortization period -- Payment of actuarially required contribution rate.
567. Employer's contributions by credit union.
569. Reinstated employee -- Contributions on creditable compensation.
570. Fund assets.
575. Members' account -- Interest -- Transfer of account balance to retirement allowance account.
580. Retirement allowance account.
585. Repealed, 1976. [Repealed]
590. Filing of Notification of Retirement and Estimated Retirement Allowance forms -- Selection of payment option -- Effective date.
592. Retirement of persons working in hazardous positions.
593. Retirement allowance of former member in hazardous position.
595. Service retirement allowance for members who began participating before January 1, 2014 -- Limitations.
596. Repealed, 2000. [Repealed]
597. Hybrid cash balance plan for members of Kentucky Employees Retirement System and County Employees Retirement System not in hazardous duty positions who began participating on or after January 1, 2014 -- Member contributions and employer pay credits -- Interest credits -- Termination of employment -- Options upon retirement.
598. Employer to pay actuarial costs resulting from certain increases in creditable compensation -- Inquiries from employers -- Hearing and appeal.
599. Calculation of retirement allowance for members of Kentucky Employees Retirement System.
600. Disability retirement.
605. Disability retirement allowance.
607. Maximum disability benefit -- Determination.
610. Employment and medical review after disability retirement -- Filing of review forms -- Duty of system to assist in obtaining records.
615. Disability retirement allowance -- Reduction -- Discontinuance -- Medical examiners -- Hearings and appeals -- Early retirement upon discontinuance of disability allowance for member who began participating before January 1, 2014.
620. Repealed, 1976. [Repealed]
621. Fred Capps Memorial Act -- Eligibility for benefits for duty-related injury.
623. Electronic fund transfer of retirement allowance required -- Exceptions.
625. Refund of account balance or contributions.
626. Repealed, 2009. [Repealed]
630. Death after retirement -- Refund of contributions.
635. Optional retirement plans.
637. Suspension of retirement payments on reemployment -- Reinstatement -- Recomputation of allowance -- Waiver of provisions in certain instances -- Reemployment in a different position -- Effect of reemployment of retired member participating on or after September 1, 2008.
640. Death before retirement -- Beneficiary's options -- Taxable distributions.
645. Board of trustees -- Powers -- Members -- Executive director and other employees -- Appeals -- Other duties -- Annual financial report -- Trustee education program.
650. Board trustee of funds -- Investment committee -- Registration of securities -- Duties owed retirement system -- Application of open records law -- Cap on amount of assets managed by any one investment manager.
652. Administration of all excess benefit plans -- Participation in plan -- Determination of benefit amount -- Required contribution of plans.
655. Board of trustees -- Conflict of interest.
660. Custodian of funds -- Cash and securities.
661. Member's account confidential -- Response to subpoenas.
663. Excess benefit plan -- Purpose -- Excess benefit fund.
665. Medical examiners -- Ruling on disability retirement -- Appeal -- Referral for evaluation and retraining.
670. Actuarial bases -- Actuary for Legislative Research Commission.
675. Employer's administrative duties -- Audit -- Filing of contributions and reports.
680. Consent of employees to deductions -- Consolidation for determination of eligibility and determination of benefits -- Waiver -- Choice among retirement systems -- Reciprocal arrangements.
685. Records -- Audits -- System's authority to enforce its powers -- Limitation of liability.
690. Exemption of retirement allowances -- Taxability after December 31, 1997 -- Domestic relations and child support orders.
691. Increase of benefits.
692. Benefits not to be reduced or impaired for members who began participating before January 1, 2014 -- Exceptions -- Amendment of benefits and rights.
695. Repealed, 1972. [Repealed]
699. System's ability to require statements under oath.
700. Repealed, effective January 1, 1975. [Repealed]
701. Kentucky Retirement Systems insurance trust fund -- Purpose -- Administration -- Participation, regulation, and termination.
702. Group hospital and medical insurance and managed care plan coverage -- Employee and employer contributions -- Minimum service requirements.
703. Collection of benefit less than $1,000 by surviving relative.
705. Death benefit -- Designation of beneficiary -- Debt owed at death -- Assignment of benefit.