General Provisions  

010. Office not to be sold -- Penalty -- Contracts to sell are void.
012. Qualification for appointive office or position as to compliance with campaign finance laws.
015. Residence requirements for office or employment when city or district boundaries altered.
020. Commissions, which officers required to have.
030. Discharge of duties, when officer to enter upon.
035. Deputy may act for ministerial officer.
040. Conviction of certain crimes vacates office -- Pardon does not avoid.
050. Officer's acts before conviction are valid.
060. Official acts may be questioned collaterally, when.
070. Eligibility of General Assembly member or candidate as administrative board or commission member.
080. Incompatible offices.
090. Acceptance of incompatible office vacates first.
092. Amended and reenacted as KRS 45A.330, effective January 1, 1979. [Amended and reenacted]
094. Repealed, amended, and reenacted as KRS 45A.335, effective January 1, 1979. [Repealed]
096. Amended and reenacted as KRS 45A.340, effective January 1, 1979. [Amended and reenacted]
097. Involvement of local government officers, employees, and their spouses in contracts for solid waste management facilities -- Effect on contract -- Penalties.
098. Practice of law prohibited.
100. Dueling disqualifies person to hold office.
101. Definitions.
102. Reprisal against public employee for disclosure of violations of law prohibited -- Construction of statute.
103. Definitions of "disclosure" and "contributing factor" -- Civil action by employee authorized -- Evidence.
110. State officers at capital may retain residence in home district.
120. Salary -- Deduction from for failure to perform duty.
130. Salary of county attorney, county judge/executive or Commonwealth's attorney -- How deducted.
140. Repealed, effective January 2, 1978. [Repealed]
150. Member of General Assembly -- How salary deducted.
160. Closing public offices.
165. Smoking policy for governmental office buildings or workplaces and postsecondary education institutions.
167. Smoking prohibited in public areas of Capitol and Capitol Annex -- "Public area" defined -- Each branch may designate smoking areas -- Requirements for smoking area.
170. Malfeasance or neglect of county officers -- Penalty.
180. Drunkenness of officer on duty -- Penalty.
190. Repealed, 2003. [Repealed]
200. Jury fees, penalty for buying.
210. Justices, county judges/executive, county attorneys, and mayors or council members of consolidated local government not to be interested in public improvements -- Penalty.
220. Fiscal court members and mayors or council members of a consolidated local government not to be interested in public improvements or claims against county -- Penalty.
230. Sheriff and collector not to be interested in public improvements or claims against state or county -- Penalty.
240. County attorney and clerks not to buy claims against county -- Penalty.
250. Repealed, 1994. [Repealed]
251. Definitions for KRS 61.252.
252. Prohibition against city officers and employees contracting with city or city agency for property or services -- Exceptions -- Penalty.
260. Repealed, 1994. [Repealed]
270. Repealed, 1994. [Repealed]
280. Repealed, 1994. [Repealed]
290. Repealed, 1958. [Repealed]
295. Repealed, 1958. [Repealed]
300. Nonelective peace officer or deputy -- Qualifications.
310. Compensation of peace officers -- Other employment -- Gratuities -- Penalties.
315. Benefits payable on death of certain peace officers, firefighters, correctional officers, jailers, and members of a state National Guard or Reserve component -- Administrative regulations -- Estates to be exempted from probate fees -- Funds allotted to a self-insuring account.
316. Repealed, 2002. [Repealed]
320. County road officials to turn over money to successor -- Penalty for failure.
330. Chief state school officer to deliver effects to successor -- Penalty.
340. County or city clerk to deliver records to successor -- Penalty for failure.
350. Cemetery companies and burying grounds, penalty for failure to enforce laws relating to.
360. Special local peace officers -- Appointment -- Fee -- Qualifications -- Removal -- Duties -- Not to impersonate public police officer.
362. Agreement permitting peace officers to patrol private residential property to enforce state and local traffic and motor vehicle laws.
365. Named federal employees deemed peace officers in Kentucky.
370. Repealed, 1966. [Repealed]
371. Definitions for KRS 61.371 to 61.379.
373. Restoration of public employee to position after military duty -- Right to leave of absence -- Appeals.
375. Restored employee discharged only for cause for year -- Seniority.
377. Leaves of absence to permit induction in military service.
379. Rules and regulations -- Appeals from failure to restore or discharge -- Procedure.
380. Certain counties may pay attendance expenses of officers at conferences, meetings or hearings -- Statement of expenses to be filed.
385. Certain counties may reimburse officers and employees for use of personal motor vehicles on official business.
387. Equipment of conspicuously marked law enforcement vehicles used for transportation of prisoners.
390. Facsimile signatures and seals on certain public securities -- Options.
392. Cabinets to report to Legislative Research Commission on number of full-time employees and full-time equivalents working under contract.
394. State employees' leave of absence -- Pay -- Unused military leave.
395. Leave time for state employee who is disaster services volunteer -- Short title.
396. Employees of political subdivisions eligible.
400. Suspension or removal of judge.
405. Use of excess fees by county sheriff or county clerk for health insurance or health maintenance organization coverage.
407. Transfer of leave balances and retirement service credits from unified prosecutorial system to executive branch.
409. Law enforcement agency not to establish requirements for employees relating to residency or voter registration -- Exceptions -- Application.