010. Repealed, 1942. [Repealed]
020. Repealed, 1942. [Repealed]
030. Repealed, 1942. [Repealed]
040. Repealed, 1942. [Repealed]
050. Repealed, 1942. [Repealed]
060. Repealed, 1942. [Repealed]
070. Repealed, 1942. [Repealed]
080. Repealed, 1942. [Repealed]
090. Repealed, 1942. [Repealed]
100. Repealed, 1942. [Repealed]
110. Repealed, 1942. [Repealed]
120. Repealed, 1942. [Repealed]
130. Repealed, 1942. [Repealed]
140. Repealed, 1942. [Repealed]
150. Repealed, 1942. [Repealed]
160. Repealed, 1942. [Repealed]
170. Repealed, 1942. [Repealed]
180. Repealed, 1942. [Repealed]
190. Definitions.
200. Administrator of veterans affairs is necessary party to proceedings relating to estate of beneficiary of Veterans Administration -- Notice.
210. When appointment of guardian or conservator to be made under this chapter.
220. Guardian or conservator representing five or more wards not eligible -- Exceptions.
230. Petition for appointment of guardian or conservator -- Who to be appointed.
240. Certificate of administrator is prima facie evidence of necessity for guardian.
250. Certificate of administrator is prima facie evidence of necessity for guardian or conservator -- Guardian ad litem.
260. Notice of petition for appointment of guardian or conservator.
270. Court to approve appointment -- Bond of guardian or conservator.
280. Biennial accounting -- Notices and information to be given Veterans Administration -- Hearings.
290. Removal for failure to file accounts or furnish documents.
300. Compensation of guardian or conservator.
310. Investment of funds.
320. Support of persons other than ward.
330. Certified copies of records to be furnished Veterans Administration without charge.
340. Termination of guardianship or conservatorship.
350. Commitment or transfer of mentally disabled person to custody of Veterans Administration or other federal agency.
360. Construction and application of chapter.
370. Title of chapter.
380. Application of other laws.
390. Chapter governs estates of beneficiaries of Veterans Administration.