Administration -- Investments  

010. Definitions for KRS 386.010 to 386.185.
020. Authorized investments of trust funds -- Fiduciary to account for profits.
023. Investment method alternatives.
025. Restrictions on investment in own stock by bank or trust company acting as fiduciary.
030. Investment of funds of financial institutions and funds in hands of public officials.
040. Securities of certain federal agencies authorized as collateral.
050. Housing authority obligations -- Authorized investments -- Security for public deposits -- Negotiable -- United States bonds.
060. Investments not to be contrary to instrument creating trust.
070. Disposition of unauthorized securities.
080. Repealed, 1944. [Repealed]
090. Repealed, 1980. [Repealed]
093. Effect of disability, incapacity, or death on power of attorney, durable or otherwise.
095. Execution and delivery of releases of powers exercisable by deed, will or otherwise.
100. Application of payments made to a fiduciary.
110. Transfer of a negotiable instrument by a fiduciary.
120. Deposits in fiduciary's personal account.
130. Deposits in name of fiduciary as such -- In name of principal.
140. Checks drawn by a fiduciary payable to third person or to himself.
150. Fiduciary not relieved of liability.
160. Deposit of funds with joint control by surety and fiduciary.
165. Deposit of securities in a clearing corporation -- Accounting and crediting of deposits.
170. Nonresident trustee for personal property of nonresident beneficiary -- Power to act in this state.
175. Trustee's power to appoint principal or income in favor of trustee of second trust -- Terms of second trust -- Special fiduciary -- Notice -- Judicial proceedings.
180. Repealed, 2008. [Repealed]
185. Distribution of trusts of $50,000 or less.