Marriage and Family Therapists  

300. Definitions for KRS 335.300 to 335.399.
305. Use of titles "licensed marriage and family therapist" and "marriage and family therapy associate" -- Application and construction of KRS 335.300 to 335.399.
307. Effect of new licensure requirements on existing certified marriage and family therapist.
310. Kentucky Board of Licensure of Marriage and Family Therapists.
315. Immunity from personal liability for board members and agents for official acts.
320. Duties of board -- Authority to promulgate administrative regulations.
325. Powers of board.
330. Initial fee for licensure -- Requirements for certification.
332. Application for marriage and family therapist associate permit -- Qualifying experience for licensure -- Fees.
335. Repealed, effective January 1, 1999. [Repealed]
340. Renewal of licensure -- Suspended or revoked license -- Continuing education.
342. Disposition of fees.
348. Grounds for disciplinary action -- Investigation -- Hearing.
350. Hearings for disciplinary action or for licensure action.
360. Reinstatement of revoked license or permit.
370. Impaired marriage and family therapist program -- Confidentiality of records -- Immunity of board members.
380. Duty of treating marriage and family therapist utilizing telehealth to ensure patient's informed consent and maintain confidentiality -- Board to promulgate administrative regulations -- Definition of "telehealth".
399. Penalties for violation.