010. Repealed, 1954. [Repealed]
020. Repealed, 1954. [Repealed]
030. Repealed, 1954. [Repealed]
040. Repealed, 1954. [Repealed]
050. Repealed, 1954. [Repealed]
060. Repealed, 1954. [Repealed]
070. Repealed, 1954. [Repealed]
080. Repealed, 1954. [Repealed]
090. Repealed, 1954. [Repealed]
100. Repealed, 1954. [Repealed]
110. Repealed, 1954. [Repealed]
120. Repealed, 1954. [Repealed]
130. Repealed, 1954. [Repealed]
140. Repealed, 1954. [Repealed]
150. Repealed, 1954. [Repealed]
160. Repealed, 1954. [Repealed]
170. Repealed, 1954. [Repealed]
180. Repealed, 1954. [Repealed]
190. Repealed, 1954. [Repealed]
200. Declaration of legislative policy concerning practice of optometry.
210. Definitions for chapter.
220. Licensure requirement -- Exemptions.
230. Kentucky Board of Optometric Examiners -- Appointment -- Qualifications -- Vacancies -- Quorum -- Compensation.
240. Board's meetings, officers, powers, and duties -- Licensure and classification of optometrists -- Board to have sole authority over practice of optometry -- Authorization to administer and prescribe pharmaceutical agents and certain oral medications.
242. Immunity from liability of board members and employees.
250. Eligibility for license -- Examinations -- Applications for license.
255. Repealed, 2000. [Repealed]
260. Holder of existing license exempt from examination.
270. Licensing by endorsement of persons from other states.
280. Renewal certificates.
290. Display of licenses.
295. Prohibition against false, misleading, or deceptive advertising.
300. Unlawful practices.
310. Causes for refusal, limitation, revocation, or suspension of licenses -- Restitution or fines -- Branch offices -- Expungement.
312. Physical or mental examination of an optometrist -- Limited license.
320. Repealed, 1990. [Repealed]
321. Grievances -- Disciplinary proceedings.
330. Repealed, 1990. [Repealed]
331. Appeal to Circuit Court.
340. Reissuance of revoked license.
350. Places where optometry not to be practiced.
360. Agency fund for administration.
370. Injunctions.
372. Injunction to restrain practice of optometry -- Petition by board.
380. Optometrist qualified as competent witness in optometry.
390. Duty of treating optometrist utilizing telehealth to ensure patient's informed consent and maintain confidentiality -- Board to promulgate administrative regulations -- Definition of "telehealth."
400. Statutory construction.
410. Fitting and dispensing ocular devices containing or delivering pharmaceutical agents.
990. Penalties.