Licensing Provisions  

061. Credential to bear seal of board -- Exhibit of credential on demand -- Effect of refusal.
070. Repealed, 1950. [Repealed]
071. Renewal of licenses -- Reinstatement of licenses.
073. Continuing competency requirements.
074. Repealed, 2000. [Repealed]
075. Dishonor of financial instrument in payment of license fee -- Emergency hearing.
077. Suspension of nurse's license for violation of KRS 205.712 -- Hearing and reinstatement.
080. Repealed, 1950. [Repealed]
081. Repealed, 1978. [Repealed]
085. Mental health, chemical dependency, or physical evaluation of licensee or applicant -- Suspension or denial of application until person submits to evaluation.
089. Immediate temporary suspension of license against which disciplinary action or investigation is pending -- Procedure.
090. Repealed, 1950. [Repealed]
091. Reprimand, denial, limitation, probation, revocation, or suspension of licenses, privileges, or credentials -- Hearings -- Appeals.
093. Immunity from civil and criminal liability.
095. Licensees, credentialed holders, privilege holders, and applicants to cooperate with investigation.
099. Jurisdiction of board over applicants, licensees, and those privileged to practice.
100. Repealed, 1950. [Repealed]
101. Excepted activities and practices -- Work permits -- Withdrawal of temporary work permits.
103. Criminal background check of applicant.
105. Declaratory ruling by board on applicability of law to a particular case.
107. Service of notice or order to licensee at mailing address required to be on file with board.
108. Notification of board if any professional or business license is terminated or suspended.
109. Notification of board of any criminal conviction.
110. Repealed, 1950. [Repealed]