Practice of Medicine and Osteopathy  

530. State Board of Medical Licensure -- Membership.
535. Terms -- Expiration.
540. Meetings -- Officers -- Compensation.
541. Repealed, 1994. [Repealed]
545. Contract with other state agencies -- Records -- Annual report to Governor.
550. Definitions for KRS 311.530 to 311.620 and KRS 311.990(4) to (6).
555. Legislative declaration of policy -- Standards for judicial review.
560. Prohibition against practice of medicine or osteopathy without license -- Exceptions.
565. Powers and functions of board -- Fees -- Fines -- Guidelines and training for allegations of sexual misconduct by professionals.
567. Repealed, 2002. [Repealed]
570. Repealed, 1984. [Repealed]
571. Qualifications for licenses -- Exception in extraordinary circumstances.
572. Order to show cause -- Hearing.
575. Issuance and cancellation of temporary permit -- Notice -- Application of temporary permit fees upon regular license fee.
580. Forms of licenses and permits.
585. Repealed, 1972. [Repealed]
586. Report to board of physician's address -- Notice of change of address.
590. Falsification of statement, forgery of documents, dishonesty, fraud, deceit, collusion, or conspiracy concerning licensure prohibited.
591. Inquiry and hearing panels -- Grievances -- Review by inquiry panel -- Complaints -- Hearing by hearing panel -- Final order -- Discipline -- Release of information -- Privacy.
592. Emergency order suspending, limiting, or restricting license -- Hearing.
593. Judicial review of orders of board.
594. Probation or indefinite restriction or limitation-- Inquiry relating to violation -- Motion to revoke probation or indefinite restriction or limitation-- Hearing -- Order.
595. Denial, probation, suspension, or revocation of licenses and permits.
596. Repealed, 1984. [Repealed]
597. Acts declared to constitute dishonorable, unethical, or unprofessional conduct.
5975. Duty of treating physician utilizing telehealth to insure patient's informed consent and maintain confidentiality -- Board to promulgate administrative regulations.
598. Repealed, 1984. [Repealed]
599. Mental or physical examination of physician -- Effect of failure to submit to examination -- Opportunity to have license renewed.
600. Repealed, 1972. [Repealed]
601. Adoption of administrative regulations.
602. Request to board for opinion on actions which might constitute unacceptable conduct.
603. Immunity for official acts.
604. Clinical competency examination and skills assessment program -- Demonstration of competency to resume practice.
605. Reports of violations -- Enforcement powers of agents of board -- Injunctions.
606. Medical association, hospital, or its medical staff to report actions taken against licensed physicians -- Violations to be reported by physicians -- Reports by court clerks.
607. Petition for new license two years after revocation -- Probation period.
610. Deposit and use of fees.
615. Continuation of existing licenses -- Limitation of authority.
616. Impaired physicians program.
617. Creation, support, and maintenance of committee -- Authority for administrative regulations.
618. Repealed, 2002. [Repealed]
619. Confidentiality and privileged status of program's records.
6191. Nonliability of persons who furnish information to program.
620. Short title.