Subtitle 32. Nonprofit Hospital, Medical-Surgical, Dental and Health Service Corporations  

32-010. Short title.
32-020. Purpose and interpretation.
32-030. Application of subtitle.
32-040. Incorporation.
32-045. Entities subject to provisions of this subtitle permitted to convert to domestic mutual insurance companies subject to provisions of Subtitle 24.
32-050. Certificate of authority.
32-060. Name.
32-070. Management.
32-080. Authorized contracts.
32-090. Annual and quarterly statements.
32-095. Application of KRS 304.2-205.
32-098. Compliance with KRS 304.18-124 to 304.18-127.
32-100. Repealed, 1982. [Repealed]
32-110. Certificate of authority -- Renewal date.
32-120. Certificate of authority -- Extension.
32-130. Schedule of dues.
32-140. Guarantee fund -- Investments -- Risk-based capital requirements.
32-145. Coordination of benefits.
32-147. Requirements for health service corporation that issues policy or administers program providing for utilization review of benefits.
32-150. Benefits.
32-151. Conversion and continuation rights upon termination of group coverage.
32-152. Repealed, 1986. [Repealed]
32-153. Coverage for newly born children from moment of birth.
32-154. Optional nursery care coverage for a well newly born child.
32-155. Payment of claims.
32-1551. Use by corporation of itemized statement furnished to paying patient prohibited.
32-156. Ambulatory surgical centers, coverage.
32-157. Indemnity payable for services performed by optometrists, osteopaths, podiatrists, physicians or chiropractors.
32-158. Coverage for treatment of alcoholism.
32-1585. Coverage for treatment of temporomandibular joint disorders or craniomandibular jaw disorders.
32-159. Policy covering services performed by dentist deemed to cover such services performed by physician.
32-1591. Coverage for mammograms.
32-1593. Coverage for medical and surgical benefits with respect to mastectomy, diagnosis and treatment of endometrioses and endometritis, and bone density testing -- Duties of insurer.
32-1595. Coverage for treatment of breast cancer.
32-160. Forms and schedules of charges -- Filing and approval.
32-165. Coverage for treatment for mental illness.
32-166. Coverage for services of licensed psychologist or licensed clinical social worker.
32-170. Authorized contracts.
32-180. Agent of corporation -- Licensing -- Continuing education -- Appointment.
32-190. Repealed, 2002. [Repealed]
32-200. Repealed, 2002. [Repealed]
32-210. Application of Subtitle 2 to nonprofit hospital, medical-surgical, dental, and health service corporations.
32-220. Repealed, 2004. [Repealed]
32-230. Repealed, 2004. [Repealed]
32-235. Suspension or revocation of certificate of authority.
32-240. Grievances.
32-250. Rules and regulations.
32-260. Limitations of subtitle.
32-270. Application of other subtitles.
32-275. Medicare supplement coverage for persons not eligible for Medicare by reason of age.
32-280. Nonprofit hospital, medical-surgical, dental and health service corporations as insurers to offer home health care coverage -- Conditions.
32-290. Long-term health care benefits.
Self-Insured Private Employer Group Health Plans
32-300. Conversion health insurance policy -- Rights of employee's surviving spouse.
32-310. Benefits.
32-315. Self-insured private employer subject to KRS 304.14-135.
32-320. Notification of department.
32-330. Requirements for self-insured employer that provides health coverage and requires utilization review of benefits.