Medical Assistance (State Medicaid Program)  

510. Definitions for medical assistance law.
512. Repealed, 1972. [Repealed]
514. Repealed, 1972. [Repealed]
516. Repealed, 1972. [Repealed]
518. Repealed, 1972. [Repealed]
520. Title and purpose of KRS 205.510 to 205.630 -- Recovery from third parties for services rendered.
522. Medicaid managed care organization to comply with KRS 304.17A-740 to 304.17A-743.
525. Application by cabinet for waiver, waiver amendment, or request for plan amendment -- Cabinet to provide interim joint committees with copy and updates.
527. Managing of IMPACT Plus program by Medicaid managed care organization -- Continuation of services for eligible children -- Billing -- Gaps in service and lack of access.
530. Repealed, 1974. [Repealed]
531. Administrative hearings.
540. Advisory Council for Medical Assistance -- Membership -- Expenses -- Meetings -- Qualifications of members.
550. Subjects on which council advises.
558. Prescreening and admissions review system.
559. Requirements for Medicaid reimbursement to participating providers for telehealth consultations -- Report of impact on health care delivery system required -- Administrative regulations.
560. Scope of care to be designated by administrative regulations -- Reimbursements mandated or prohibited -- Assessment of health care provider credentials -- Guidelines for dentists' participation.