School Buildings  

060. Plans for school buildings to be approved.
065. Administrative regulations for use by local school boards when constructing schools using construction managers -- Items considered equal to specifications may be furnished.
066. Restriction on award of contracts by construction manager.
067. Application of KRS 162.065 and 162.066.
070. Contracts for buildings, improvements, and materials to be let on competitive bidding -- When advertisements not required.
075. Compliance with code not necessary on purchases from federal government.
080. Bond issues for school sites and buildings -- Authorization -- Election.
090. Issuance and sale of bonds -- Proceeds -- Tax to pay.
100. Limitation on amount of bond issue -- Effect of bonds issued under former laws.
110. Repealed, 1966. [Repealed]
120. Independent district in city may convey property to city to provide buildings.
130. City to contract for erection of building.
140. Lease of building by board of education.
150. City may erect school buildings.
160. Plans and specifications for buildings -- Boards of education must offer to lease buildings before construction contract is made.
170. Financing construction of buildings.
180. Bonds -- Interest on -- When payable -- How sold.
185. Applicability of KRS 162.170 and 162.180.
190. Bonds negotiable -- Tax-exempt -- Signatures -- Not city debt.
200. Use of funds -- Lien on building.
210. Rights of bondholders to enforce lien.
220. Receiver in case of default.
230. Rent -- Disposition to be fixed by ordinance.
240. Deposit and investment of sinking fund.
250. Maintenance fund surplus to be transferred to sinking fund.
260. Refunding bonds may be issued.
270. Additional bonds authorized.
280. When city to convey property to board.
290. Alternative methods -- Other procedure not required.
300. Certain boards may obtain school buildings as provided in KRS 162.120 to 162.290.
310. State educational institution may convey building site.
320. Contract for erection of building.
330. Lease of building -- Option to purchase.
340. Governing bodies of state educational institutions may erect buildings.
350. Method of erection of buildings by state educational institutions.
360. Revenues from building -- Determination and use.
370. Maintenance fund surplus.
380. Bonds are obligations of governing body -- Resolution constitutes contract.
385. School district finance corporation -- Definitions -- Construction bonds.
387. School district finance corporations may lease land for school construction -- Issuance of bonds.
390. Repealed, 1946. [Repealed]
400. Repealed, 1946. [Repealed]
410. Repealed, 1946. [Repealed]
420. Repealed, 1946. [Repealed]
430. Repealed, 1946. [Repealed]
431. Repealed, 1946. [Repealed]
432. Repealed, 1946. [Repealed]
433. Repealed, 1946. [Repealed]
434. Repealed, 1946. [Repealed]
435. Repealed, 1946. [Repealed]