Teachers' Retirement  

220. Definitions for KRS 161.220 to 161.716 and 161.990.
230. Retirement system -- Purpose -- Name.
240. Repealed, 1964 [Repealed]
250. Board of trustees to control retirement -- Membership -- Appeals -- Trustee education program -- Public disclosure of best practices model -- Administrative regulations for authorized benefit improvements.
260. Election of members of board of trustees.
270. Vacancies, how filled.
280. Oath of board members.
290. Meetings, compensation, and expenses of board members.
300. Quorum.
310. Administrative regulations -- Rules, regulations, and policies of participating employers to conform to chapter -- Retirement incentives.
320. Record of proceedings -- Annual report.
330. Cost of administration, how paid -- Office space.
340. Officers of board -- Personnel of system -- Contracting for services and commodities -- Bonds of officers and employees -- Leave balances.
350. Repealed, 1946. [Repealed]
360. Repealed, 1956. [Repealed]
370. Treasurer, auditor, and legal adviser of board -- Annual audit of Teachers' Retirement System.
380. Duties of treasurer -- Custodian of securities.
390. Actuarial data to be kept.
400. Actuary.
410. Repealed, 1964. [Repealed]
420. Funds of retirement system.
430. Investment of funds.
440. Assignment of interest to funds.
450. Repealed, 1996. [Repealed]
460. Conflict of interest.
470. Membership -- Forfeiture of service credit -- Termination of membership -- Forfeiture of benefits -- Reinstatement -- Payment of accumulated contributions.
480. Statement of member -- Designation of beneficiaries.
490. Investigation of statement.
500. Service credit.
505. Repealed, 1976. [Repealed]
507. Prior service credit for veterans -- Credit for military service and uniformed service by active contributing member.
510. Repealed, 2000. [Repealed]
515. Out-of-state service credit -- Contribution -- Kentucky Peace Corps and federal Peace Corps service credit -- Factor for members employed by universities and colleges -- Factor for other members.
516. Repealed, 1962. [Repealed]
520. Payment of accumulated contribution on death.
522. Survivor of member retired for disability may elect annuity.
525. Death of member eligible to retire -- Options of beneficiary -- Monthly minimum allowance to surviving spouse.
530. Restoration of forfeited account -- Exception.
540. Members' contributions -- Picked-up contributions.
545. Contributions and service credit for substitute service, part-time service, or leave of absence -- Contributions not to be picked up -- Purchases of service credit by individuals becoming members on or after July 1, 2008, for leaves of absence for health, child-rearing, and educational improvement reasons.
546. Repealed, 1996. [Repealed]
5461. Purchase of service credit with rolled-over or transferred retirement funds.
5465. Member with twenty years' service credit may purchase five years' service credit -- Exception.
547. Member having service as legislator may purchase 4 years' credit in the retirement system.
548. Purchase of service credit for service in a regional community program for mental health and for individuals with an intellectual disability.
549. Purchase of service credit for service at a Federal Head Start agency.
550. State's contribution to system.
553. Funding of past statutory benefit improvements -- Schedules for appropriations -- Cost-of-living increases -- Feasibility study of employer contribution rate stabilization.
555. Employer contributions for members employed in positions established under federal educational acts.
556. Employer contributions for members employed by regional educational cooperatives.
560. Deduction and forwarding of teachers' contributions -- Picked-up employee contributions -- Correction of omitted member contributions.
565. Reduction and pick-up of contributions by university faculty members.
567. Authorization for optional retirement plan for designated employees of certain public universities.
568. Eligibility to participate in optional retirement plan -- Election to change from optional retirement plan to Kentucky Teachers' Retirement System.
569. Effect of election to participate -- Payment of benefits -- Taxation and attachment of benefits -- Employer contributions.
570. Repealed, 1964. [Repealed]
580. Individual accounts to be kept -- Other data -- Summary plan description -- Publication -- Recipients.
585. Account of member, and medical records on file, confidential -- Production of records in response to a subpoena or court order.
590. Service credit at retirement.
595. Service credit.
597. Installment payments for purchase of service credit by active contributing members.
600. Retirement conditions.
603. Repealed, 2008. [Repealed]
605. Resumption of employment by retired member -- Continuation of retirement allowance -- Waiver of annuity -- Nonteaching employment.
607. Employment in position covered by other Kentucky retirement system.
608. Computation of benefits of member who has an account with another state system.
610. Repealed, 1964. [Repealed]
611. Supplemental retirement benefit plan -- Purpose -- Administration -- Eligibility -- Payments.
612. Membership of individuals providing part-time and substitute services -- Service credit -- Participation in benefits.
614. Court-ordered back salary and reinstatement.
615. Limited defined contribution plan -- Purpose -- Administration -- Eligibility -- Payments.
620. Retirement allowances -- Amount -- Applicability to persons becoming members on or after July 1, 2008.
623. Use of unused sick-leave days to determine service credit -- Applicability to individuals becoming members on or after July 1, 2008.
624. Responsibilities of members.
625. Repealed, 1964. [Repealed]
630. Benefit options -- Change in benefit option -- Beneficiary redesignation after retirement.
640. Payment of annuities -- Payroll deductions -- Electronic fund transfer, exception.
643. Records and annual reports for annuitants employed by school districts or agencies -- Penalty for noncompliance.
650. Death of retired member -- Payment to beneficiaries -- Effect of divorce decree -- Failure to designate beneficiary.
655. Life insurance benefit -- Assignment of benefit.
660. Repealed, 1964. [Repealed]
661. Disability retirement.
662. Status of disabled teachers and superintendents.
663. Disability retirement with less than required years of service.
670. Repealed, 1964. [Repealed]
675. Hospital and medical benefits and health insurance coverage for eligible recipients of retirement allowances from Teachers' Retirement System -- Applicability to individuals becoming members on or after July 1, 2008 -- Health insurance supplement payments -- Coverage for spouses, dependents, and disabled children of retirees -- Exemption from premium tax.
677. Kentucky Teachers' Retirement System insurance trust fund.
680. Mistake in payment -- Correction of error.
690. Falsifying record prohibited.
700. Funds exempt from taxation and process -- Taxability after December 31, 1997 -- Benefits not considered marital property.
705. Repealed, 1992. [Repealed]
710. Local system merged with state system.
712. Repealed, 1996. [Repealed]
714. Inviolable contract -- Exception.
715. Repealed, 1976. [Repealed]
716. Federal laws take precedence over Kentucky statutes pertaining to Teachers' Retirement System.