District Officers and Employees  

350. Superintendent of schools -- Appointment -- Term -- Vacancy -- Qualifications -- Removal -- Contract extension.
352. Screening committee -- Minority representation -- Recommendations for superintendent.
360. Repealed, 1990. [Repealed]
370. Superintendent as executive agent of board -- Duties.
380. School employees -- Restrictions on appointment of relatives, violent offenders, and persons convicted of sex crimes -- Restriction on assignment to alternative education program as disciplinary action -- National and state criminal history background checks on applicants, new hires, and school-based decision-making council parent members -- Application and renewal forms -- Employees charged with felony offenses.
390. General duties as to condition of schools -- Responsibilities -- Reports.
395. Duty of superintendents to distribute information to school board and school council members.
400. Duties of outgoing superintendent.
410. Expenses of superintendent and employees.
420. Repealed, 1990. [Repealed]
430. Repealed, 1966. [Repealed]
431. School finance officer -- Continuing education.
440. Secretary of board of education.
445. Sports safety course required for high school athletics coaches -- Training and education on symptoms, treatment, and risks of concussion -- Venue-specific emergency action plans.