001. Definitions.
010. Repealed, 1964. [Repealed]
011. Department of Parks created -- Commissioner -- Appointment -- Divisions.
020. Repealed, 1964. [Repealed]
021. Functions, powers, duties of department.
0211. Resident veteran who was a prisoner of war exempt from camping fees.
0212. Permanently and totally disabled resident veteran exempt from overnight accommodation rate at Kentucky state parks -- Maximum number of stays -- Peak periods -- Administrative regulations.
022. Outdoor recreation programs administered by Department for Local Government -- Breaks Interstate Park functions.
026. Employees -- Contract for services.
028. Determination of need for state park -- Request for acquisition.
029. Recreation areas designated wildlife sanctuaries -- Wildlife protected -- Permits for scientific collecting -- Duties of department.
030. Repealed, 1964. [Repealed]
031. Manner of payment of cost of acquisition and construction -- Revenue bonds.
040. Repealed, 1964. [Repealed]
041. Regulations -- Accounting system.
050. Repealed, 1964. [Repealed]
051. Regulations to be posted.
055. Repealed, 1964. [Repealed]
056. Commissioner of parks may commission park rangers -- Powers as peace officers.
060. Repealed, 1964. [Repealed]
061. Repealed, 1968. [Repealed]
066. Acceptance of park property -- Title -- Use.
070. Repealed, 1964. [Repealed]
071. Repealed, 1968. [Repealed]
080. Repealed, 1964. [Repealed]
085. Repealed, 1964. [Repealed]
090. Repealed, 1960. [Repealed]
100. Repealed, 1960. [Repealed]
110. Repealed, 1964. [Repealed]
111. State Property and Buildings Commission to promote national parks -- Agreements -- Powers.
120. Repealed, 1964. [Repealed]
121. Condemnation of land designated by United States for parks -- Procedure.
130. Repealed, 1964. [Repealed]
131. Commission may accept property for national park purposes.
140. Repealed, 1964. [Repealed]
141. Conveyances to the United States, conditions.
150. Repealed, 1964. [Repealed]
151. Regulations for handling national park property.
160. Repealed, 1964. [Repealed]
161. Civil War cemeteries, maintenance, acquisition by department -- Expenditures limited.
163. Repealed, 1980. [Repealed]
170. Repealed, 1964. [Repealed]
171. Repealed, 1982. [Repealed]
180. Repealed, 1964. [Repealed]
190. Repealed, 1964. [Repealed]
200. Repealed, 1960. [Repealed]
210. Repealed, 1956. [Repealed]
220. Compact with Virginia for Breaks Interstate Park.
225. Lieutenant Governor to be member of board.
230. State agencies to cooperate with Breaks Interstate Park Commission -- Powers of State Property and Buildings Commission.
231. Repealed, 1968. [Repealed]
235. Breaks Interstate Park Commission may condemn land -- Conveyances by state to commission.
240. Repealed, 1964. [Repealed]
241. Compact for Falls of the Ohio Interstate Park.
242. Lieutenant Governor to be member of board.
250. Thoroughbred State Park.
255. Legislative approval required for disposal of certain park property.
257. Interim state employees designated as craftspersons -- Permission to sell.
Kentucky Horse Park Commission
258. Definition.
260. Kentucky Horse Park Commission -- Members -- Terms -- Meetings -- Reimbursement for expenses -- Bylaws -- Advisory committee.
270. Corporate powers of commission -- Appointment of executive director -- Duties -- Additional staff.
280. Functions of commission -- Acquisition, control, and use of property -- Holding of events -- Contracts.
285. Duties of commission.
290. Policing of State Horse Park -- Speed limits.
300. Control of activities on park grounds -- Liens against exhibitors and others -- Enforcement of liens.
310. Provisions of KRS Chapter 137 and KRS 92.280 not to apply.
320. Use of revenues -- Deposit of funds -- Accounts and reports.
My Old Kentucky Home State Park
400. My Old Kentucky Home Advisory Commission -- My Old Kentucky Home Endowment Fund.
510. Repealed, 1964. [Repealed]
520. Repealed, 1964. [Repealed]
Tourism, Arts and Heritage Cabinet
522. Organization of Tourism, Arts and Heritage Cabinet.
525. Functions of divisions.
527. Kentucky Certified Retirement Community Program.
530. Repealed, 1964. [Repealed]
531. Renumbered as 154.29-010. [Renumbered]
532. Renumbered as 154.29-020. [Renumbered]
534. Renumbered as 154.29-030. [Renumbered]
536. Renumbered as 154.29-040. [Renumbered]
538. Renumbered as 154.29-050. [Renumbered]
539. Renumbered as 154.29-060. [Renumbered]
540. Repealed, 1964. [Repealed]
Film Industry Incentives
542. Definitions for KRS 148.542 to 148.546.
544. Purposes of KRS 141.383 and 148.542 to 148.546 -- Kentucky Film Office -- Eligibility for refundable motion picture or entertainment production tax incentives -- Incentives available.
545. Repealed, 1964. [Repealed]
546. Application for motion picture or entertainment production tax incentives -- Tax incentive agreement -- Required terms -- Administrative fee -- Review -- Verification of expenditure reports -- Annual reports.
548. Kentucky Film Commission -- Functions and purpose -- Members -- Meetings -- Nonvoting ex officio members.
550. Repealed, 1964. [Repealed]
Appalachian/Kentucky Artisans Gateway Center Authority
560. Definitions for KRS 148.560 to 148.569.
561. Appalachian/Kentucky Artisans Gateway Center Authority.
562. Board of directors -- Appointment -- Terms -- Removal.
563. Executive Director -- Appointment -- Duties -- Staff.
564. Articles of incorporation -- Executive committee of board -- Authority to act on board's behalf -- Bylaws.
566. Authority's powers and duties -- Compensation of board members.
569. Revenues derived by authority -- Permitted uses.
Kentucky Center for African-American Heritage
570. Kentucky Center for African-American Heritage -- Purpose -- Members -- Meetings -- Powers and duties.
572. Objectives of Kentucky Center for African-American Heritage.
Iraq/Afghanistan War Memorial
580. Iraq/Afghanistan War Memorial Committee -- Purpose -- Members -- Duties -- Responsibilities of cabinet.
582. Iraq/Afghanistan War Memorial fund.
Kentucky Sports Authority
590. Kentucky Sports Authority -- Membership -- Chairperson -- Executive director -- Functions.
Kentucky Trails System
610. Purpose of trails system.
620. Definitions.
630. Classes of trails established.
640. Criteria for various classes of trails.
650. Establishment and designation of trails.
660. Proposals for additions to system.
670. Process of locating routes of trails.
680. Information forwarded by state agencies.
690. Determination of boundaries of abandoned rights-of-way and abandoned railroad corridors -- Evaluation of potential for conversion to railtrail.
700. Acquisition of land or interest in land.
710. Preservation of natural vegetation, etc.
720. Limitation on use of motorized vehicles.
730. Effect of statutes on lands which are a part of more than one system.
740. Trail markers.
750. Administration of system -- Responsibility.
760. Procedure for relocation.
770. Coordination with national trails system.
775. Coordination of efforts to develop bicycling opportunities.
780. Owner's consent required for access to or use of premises.
790. Citation of KRS 148.610 to 148.780.
Kentucky Recreational Trails Authority
795. Kentucky Recreational Trails Authority -- Purpose -- Membership -- Meetings -- Land use agreements for recreational purposes -- General use permits -- Authority may hold property for public use -- Proceeds.
796. Strategy to increase recreational activity on private land -- Landowner's permission required for entry on private land.
State Parks Capital Maintenance and Renovation
800. Park capital maintenance and renovation fund.
805. Moneys attributable to increases in fees and charges after August 1, 1994, to be deposited in fund.
810. Use of moneys in fund.
815. Repealed, 2005. [Repealed]
820. Repealed, 2005. [Repealed]
825. Repealed, 2005. [Repealed]
Promotion of Kentucky Products
830. Program to promote sale of Kentucky-grown products in state resort parks -- Administrative regulations.
832. State resort park contracts to promote sale of Kentucky-grown products.
835. Promotion program requiring state parks to purchase Kentucky agricultural products -- Administrative regulations.
840. Steering committee to assist in promotion -- Recommendation -- Reports -- Termination.
Financing of Tourism Development
850. Tourism Development Finance Authority created -- Members -- Terms -- Conflicts of interest -- Powers.
851. Definitions for KRS 148.851 to 148.860.
853. Legislative findings -- Qualifications for incentives -- Incentives available.
854. Legacy expansion projects -- Purpose -- Eligibility for incentives -- Incentives available -- Application, approval, and monitoring process -- Term of agreement -- Analysis of positive fiscal impact -- Legislative findings.
855. Evaluation standards -- Tourism attraction project applications -- Consulting services -- Optional interagency review -- Cabinet recommendations.
857. Preliminary and final approval of companies and projects -- Meetings of authority.
859. Agreement between authority and approved company.
8591. Annual report of tourism development project applications, approvals, and funding.
860. Short title for KRS 139.536 and KRS 148.851 to 148.860.
Pine Mountain Trail
870. Legislative recognition and purpose.
872. Definitions for KRS 148.870 to 148.892.
874. Pine Mountain State Scenic Trail -- Boundaries -- Connecting or side paths -- Support facilities -- Limit to nonmotorized uses -- Cemeteries and burial grounds.
876. Acquisition of land.
878. Limitations on activities within boundaries of trail -- Motorized vehicles -- Permissible land uses -- Ingress and egress -- Roads -- Rights of persons from whom property acquired -- Permit for change of use.
880. Pine Mountain State Scenic Trail fund.
882. Duties of Department of Parks -- Management plan -- Administrative regulations -- Trail maintenance.
884. Construction of KRS 148.870 to 148.892 relating to use of private land.
886. Legal actions.
888. Penalties.
890. Use of lands adjacent to or visible from trail -- Legislative findings.
892. Short title for KRS 148.870 to 148.892.
990. Repealed, 1964. [Repealed]
991. Penalties.