Disabled and Absent Voters  

075. Absentee ballots for voters with disabilities.
077. Absentee ballot for medical emergencies.
079. Administrative regulations for absentee voting by overseas Kentucky military personnel and other citizens. (Effective until July 1, 2014)
079. Administrative regulations for absentee voting by military and overseas voters. (Effective July 1, 2014)
080. Repealed, 1952. [Repealed]
085. Application for mail-in absentee ballot -- In-person absentee voting in the clerk's office -- Supervision of and challengers for absentee voting -- Form of ballot -- Cancellation of absentee ballot -- Disclosure of information. (Effective July 1, 2014)
085. Application for mail-in absentee ballot -- In-person absentee voting in the clerk's office -- Supervision of and challengers for absentee voting -- Form of ballot -- Cancellation of absentee ballot -- Disclosure of information. (Effective until July 1, 2014)
0851. Tabulation of absentee ballots.
086. Marking of absentee ballot -- Deposit of returned ballots -- Record -- Disclosure of information. (Effective until July 1, 2014)
086. Marking of absentee ballot -- Deposit of returned ballots -- Record -- Disclosure of information. (Effective July 1, 2014)
0863. Assistance in voting by absentee ballot -- Form required of voter and assistant.
0865. Prohibition against influencing voter completing an absentee ballot -- Penalty.
087. Challenge of an absentee ballot -- Counting procedure -- Persons permitted to observe.
088. Pilot program for unassisted voting by blind and visually impaired persons.
090. Repealed, 1952. [Repealed]
100. Repealed, 1952. [Repealed]