Boards of Elections  

015. State Board of Elections -- Powers, duties, membership.
020. Declaration by state board of county's status as a preclearance county.
022. Judicial declaration of existence of election crisis -- Effect.
025. Executive director and assistant -- Staff -- Powers and duties.
027. State board to promulgate record-keeping requirements.
030. Announcements and signs regarding importance of voting -- Notice of illegal acts, penalties, and right to report administrative errors at polling places.
035. County board of elections -- Membership -- Appointed members -- Meetings -- Staff in counties containing city of first or second class.
040. Repealed, 1952. [Repealed]
045. Precinct election officers -- Alternate and emergency appointments -- Minors permitted to serve as election officers.
050. Repealed, 1952. [Repealed]
055. Division of county into precincts -- Maps -- Failure of board to perform duty -- Coordination of precinct boundary changes with other boundaries.
0551. Boundaries of precincts.
0552. Procedure for establishing precincts.
0553. Review and approval of precinct establishment order -- Resubmission of returned orders.
0554. Request for exemption -- Procedure.
0555. Hearing on returned order believed by county board to be in compliance.
0556. Information to be supplied to Legislative Research Commission -- Opportunity for comment.
0557. Schedule of actions for compliance with KRS 117.055 and 117.0551.
056. Maintenance of boundaries of election precincts.
057. Repealed, 1982. [Repealed]
058. Legislative approval for certain boundary changes.
060. Repealed, 1952. [Repealed]
065. Establishing voting places for precincts -- Change -- Expense -- Authority to designate as voting places buildings constructed with tax revenues -- Voter accessibility -- Immediate telephone accessibility.
066. Ability of precinct with small number of voters to use voting facilities and election officers of larger precinct.
070. Repealed, 1952. [Repealed]